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Zakaj izbrati aluminijasto bioklimatsko pergolo z rotirajočimi lamelami podjetja Misteral d.o.o. namesto kasetne tende


In the world of outdoor shading, we are constantly faced with various options and choices. Among the most popular solutions are aluminum bioclimatic pergolas with rotating louvers and fabric cassette awnings. In this article, we will explain in detail why Misteral's aluminum bioclimatic pergola is a superior solution to fabric cassette awnings.


  1. Less Terrace Overheating: Aluminum bioclimatic pergolas are designed to provide control over light and temperature. The rotating louvers of the pergola allow adjustment of the tilt angle, enabling you to regulate the amount of sunlight reaching your terrace. This means you can create pleasant shade and reduce the temperature without completely closing the space.
  2. More Durable Solution: The aluminum construction of Misteral's pergola ensures high resistance to weather conditions such as rain, snow, wind, and UV rays. In contrast to fabric cassette awnings, which can wear out, fade, or tear over time, the aluminum pergola remains sturdy and maintains its aesthetic appearance over the years.
  3. Long-Term Warranty: Misteral offers a long-term warranty for its aluminum bioclimatic pergolas, demonstrating confidence in the quality and durability of its products. Customers gain additional security and assurance that their shading solutions will stand the test of time.
  4. No Need to Replace Fabric: Fabric cassette awnings often require fabric replacement after a few years of use, incurring additional costs and inconvenience. Misteral's aluminum pergolas do not require such maintenance, as their louvers are extremely durable and do not need replacement.
  5. Allows Ventilation: Due to the ability to adjust the tilt angle of the louvers, aluminum bioclimatic pergolas allow for natural ventilation. This means you can enjoy fresh air while being protected from the sun. Fabric cassette awnings do not offer this, as the space beneath them is completely closed, leading to stagnant warm air.
  6. Aesthetic Appeal: Misteral's aluminum bioclimatic pergolas come in various colors and designs, allowing for a perfect adaptation to the look of your living space. Their modern and minimalist design adds to the aesthetic completeness of your home, while fabric cassette awnings may appear less elegant and modern.


For all the reasons mentioned above, it is clear that Misteral's aluminum bioclimatic pergola with rotating louvers is a better and higher-quality solution than fabric cassette awnings. It not only provides effective sun protection and shields from the sun but is also more durable, requires less maintenance, and contributes to the aesthetic design of your home. Choose quality; choose Misteral Pergola.



Misteral d.o.o.


Misteral d.o.o.

Zdolska cesta 18a, 8270 Krško

PE Krško, CKŽ 135 c, 8270 Krško


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